In my home, we love to tell jokes.  I should probably clarify that my children love to tell jokes and I am subjected to hours of knock-knocks and some really dry riddles.  Whether they’re actually funny or not, I love the fact that laughter echoes in my home. Do you remember the last time your […]

A Christmas List

My children were busy this past weekend making their Christmas wish lists.  As I read through their lists, I thought about how each year seems to bring about some new “must-have” toy or game and a mad frenzy by parents to try to secure one for their child.  According to the History channel’s History Lists, […]


As I sat on the dock of a large lake a few weeks ago, I found myself mesmerized by a windsurfer out on the water. He had an amazing ability to steer and maneuver, even though the waves were choppy and the wind was erratic. Somehow, in the midst of these external forces, the young […]