A New Outlook on Challenges

Every event in our life has purpose.  In whatever happens, there’s always something to learn… even if it turns out to be, “I’ll never do that again!”  When things don’t go our way, it’s easy to get caught up in negative self-talk.  This causes us to dwell on the past and hold onto something that only serves to bring us down.

What if you challenge that typical way of seeing life events?  What if you see obstacles and different outcomes as a challenge?  Your own challenges are what make you able to overcome adversity that comes into your life, figure out practical solutions to real-life problems, and empathize with others who are struggling.  Ever realize how many times you have been able to help someone because you’ve come through so much in your own life?

Take a step back and evaluate the situation.  Vent if you have to, but don’t linger on the event.  How can you now take actionable steps forward?  Assess how this occurred.  If you wish for this to not happen again, what steps must you take so that it won’t occur next time?  Pick out the learning points from this encounter.  Realize that there are others out there facing this too.  How might you talk to them about this and what you have learned?

Changing our perspective can make a big difference in how we live our lives.  Every moment of our lives is a learning moment to help us grow and connect with others.  If we learn to change typical negative thought processes to ones where we question what we have learned and how we can grow from this new information, we open our world to more and more possibilities each day.  We open ourselves up to new opportunities we had not seen prior to this event happening.   It only takes us taking a step back and looking at the situation in a different way.

Ask yourself, how will you take on the challenges you face this week with a new perspective?

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